Wednesday, November 30, 2005
it's 9:06am in the morning, 30/11/05'. another day of crapping. have yet to study for history lit and chinese - this is NOT a holiday. sigh. well, there isn't a lot to do anyway, studying helps to pass time. i guess.
a friend introduced me to 'Kingdom of Loathing' yesterday. kyoote little game. stick figures everywhere. you get attacked by cans of asparagus and tomato. how cool is that? had a sex change on the game...hahas. accidentally signed up as a male, just the thing i was looking for.
after i ran out of adventures, spent the rest of the sun-up hours stoning. watched a couple-a flash clips.
then night came.
stayed up to watch rumbling hearts. an anime. If your wondering if I'm the type of girl who likes sappy love stories, then, well, to a certain extent, yes. they had a sex scene. WTBFH?!!! -yepp 4th one- mom was right behind me. had to skip it. darn. heehee hentai me. think i'm like miroku jr. or sth.
ah, whatever.
so ends another dead post by me.

Inuyasha and Kagome still belong together FOREVER!!!!
P.S. I don't own them, Rumiko Takahashi does. sigh.
5:06 PM
Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Third consecutive day of blogging. I was thinking 'i'm gonna start this post off with a bang!' cos' the previous two posts were so...dead. no...wait...oops. spoiled the fun, NEway, off to my intended start:
WTBFH!!!!! I woke up at fucking 4 a.m. in the morning for no apparent reason, and couldn't go back to sleep. THAT IS ONE THING THAT COULDN'T POSSIBLY -scratch that-
NEVER HAPPEN IN MY LIFE. I practically worship my bed, for sleeping...alone...of course. wth happened?!God knows. Really. Anyway, bathed and headed for my sanctuary. My com, duh. And yes, -if you're a close friend of mine,- you've guessed it went STRAIGHT to fanfiction. [love it.]
I just couldn't believe my eyes. The very first story I clicked on had a plot whereby
Inuyasha and
Kagome are
WTBFH!!!!! of the day. Within a space of an hour. How freaky is that. Oh yah, extra bit of 'wtbfh-ness' : the siblings? yea... they
FELL IN LOVE. Yepp, my third 'wtbfh' of the day....within the space of an hour.
3... and counting...
it's 7:48 in the morning right now, finished studying so i decided to write. I'm feeling like my school self today... don't know why. The literature book we'e using next year is actually quite interesting.
To Kill a Mockingbird. Think I'd recommend it. So much drama within one morning...happening to an unknown girl in a surburban part of Singapore. Who said Taiwan was asia's 'Drama King'? Well, actually, no one, so there.
I guess today's drama/exaggerrate day -HORIBBLE GRAMMAR THERE-
Nothing much to say about today, it IS only 7:56 in the morning.
P.S. Inuyasha and Kagome FOREVER!!!
Picture: © Rumiko Takahashi
3:31 PM
Monday, November 28, 2005
My second blog. yepp. Not much to say... I don't even know why the hell i created this thing. Whatever. Who cares?! There isn't much to know about me. I'm
suicidal.I like
cookies. As you can see, the damned holidays have made me 'random'. My brain's rotting with every passing second. That explains the horrendous grammar.I'm in one of my 'i-don't-give-a-fuck' moods right now.Only writing cos i'm feeling random.think i'll leave my facades for later.
oh yah one thing you should know about me :
See? randomness galore.
okay.that was random.
Kaes, nuthin' much to add on. Well, actually TONS to add on, i'm just too lazy.
じゃ! - bye!
' 私わ四季|全雨 '
10:17 PM
Hiya. Yepp. Me again. DUH. it IS my blog.okay...RANDOM!!!! I feel slightly chirpy-er idea why. Jus finished watching 'the Golden Girls'. hah. You must be wondering why. I don't exactly know either, boredom drives you to do WEIRD things...
spent the whole morning reading Inuyasha fanfiction. finished studying the 2nd chapter of the history book. what's left is chinese and lit. I'm so confused right now... okay, maybe not confused per se but my brain's all mussed up. sigh... haven't been exposed to maths for awhile... not solving problems has taken its toll on me... i'm going senile. I don't even know why i'm writing this crap.
oh wells, on to the next topic. - not like we had one before.
learnt a few new words yesterday. - craptacularcraptasticcrapalanche-
kind of describes how i feel today. like crap.
i guess i feel like crap every day, pfft no diff.
Although the year end holiday have started this doesn't feel like it. at all.
since november the 4th, i've been admitted into hospital, had my appendix removed, then had another op to remove excess pus that had collected and formed a buble, missed the chance to go bungee jumping in new zealand, skipped three weeks of softball training(actually, 4) and am stuck at home. WTH?! that is most definitely the most un-ideal holiday ever. - you see? horrible grammar, horrible vocabulary... I'M DYING!!!! - as it is quite evident in this post i'm still feeling realli random. SIGH
mental block.
momentarily loss of any sane thoughts.
nothing to say.
ok. now i remember.
Have you ever felt like you have different sides to yourself? Like in church you're one person, in school your another, at home you're another, and outside, you're another?You are aware of the changes in your personality, the way you act, around different groups of people but you can't do anyting about it. It comes naturally. I know i have. It's so weird, yet it feels so right. Okay, i'm not talking sense... It's ... inexplicable. The constant changes in my attitude have left me baffled, confused, messed up. I don't know who i really am anymore. All i know is that those 'sides' are not the real me. It's sad, really. I don't think I'm alone either. The people around me. I 've seen them with diffferent groups of people and they act differently. Is this apparent in ALL humans? Why are we like that? There's just so many questions left unanswered. WHY?
SIGH. i guess each of us has a different answer.
I think i'll stop here... to confused to carry on.
P.S. just found out that blogspot can't publish japanese. wtfh. yea. whatever.
7:23 PM